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Job fair, university of Sevilla 2016

The Campus ramón y Cajal hosted, on 16 and 17 november 2016 the third edition of theJob fair, university of Sevilla , organized by its secretaryship of placements and employment and with the presence ofPublic employment service Estatal (SEPE).

As a path to the labour market participation of their students and graduates, and making a crucial factor for the skilled employment since promoting youth employment, research, innovation and entrepreneurship, the fair was configured as a forum where visitors and companies gathered in order to improve the options of employability of persons with intent to enter the labour market and that companies could recruit the best talent.

The event was attended by more than 70 companies and public institutions linked to employment. Between companies were some of national and international prestige, but also other whose scope is locally but with great projection. Among public institutions were the ministry of defence, public employment service, the State employment Service and Andalusian town Sevilla .

In the organisation booth students were able to know the services of the university of Sevilla in practices and job orientation and be informed of the comprehensive programme of papers, presentations and activities. In the guidance were able to revise their resumes, analyse the offers of employment addressed to all qualifications, workout in the conduct of interviews and access to employment, better resources generic and specific qualifications.

The stand of the SEPE was treated permanently by Provincial Directorate of the agency in Sevilla under the supervision of its Provincial Director Miguel Ángel Field, Prada, and it reported to the visitors on the agency, the observatory of occupations, the modalities of contracts, employment and entrepreneurship andThe sole Portal “ Empléate Employment ”.

In the stands of businesses, students who had previously registered your resume in the website for the fair had the opportunity to participate in selection processes.

During the event was held on “ Be Different ”, so that students be creative in developing their resumes and singularizaran in selection processes. In addition, prizes were awarded to the “ Business Collaboration with students in practices of the University of Sevilla ”, recognize the efforts made by a company in the training of university students.