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El presente sitio Web está traducido a varias lenguas españolas oficiales en sus respectivos territorios, de conformidad con lo establecido en el artículo 3 de la Constitución Española de 1978 y sus Estatutos de Autonomía.

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XV Foro Empleo UCLM3E

The public employment service participated in the State 15 Th edition of the employment forum of the university of Castilla-La Mancha (UCLM)

The 15 º employment forum of the university of Castilla-La Mancha was held in virtual format 27 to 29 april in Campus Albacete . The inaugural ceremony, which took place on the day 27 april in person, attended by the Director-General of the SEPE, Gerardo Gutiérrez Ardoy, the rector of the UCLM, Julian Garde, the assistant of employment, Nuria Chust Martínez, and the director general of universities, Ricardo Caves Fields.


After the opening act regimen, the forum began its broad programme of activities in line, in which it was not working meetings with public and private enterprises, talks on the employment and all the keys to Successful professional. Most activities were undertaken through Microsoft Teams and was attended by more than 760 participants, 72 undertakings and entities 232 offers of employment and 50 activities.

This edition was space to debate through different lectures programmed with companies of various sectors, digital encounters with recruiters or online conferences on employment, career or employment opportunities for public and private enterprises.

Participation of the SEPE

The public employment service also State to participate in the inauguration of the 15 º UCLM Forum 3 The presence And with the Director-General of the SEPE, Gerardo Gutiérrez Ardoy, was present with your booth virtual information could not consult concerning Youth Guarantee, contracts for the Training and learning, profiles of employment and EURES.

The participation of the SEPE ended on thursday 29 april “ introduction to the national employment System "by the Provincial Director of the SEPE in Albacete My Sister, maría Teresa González. During his presentation, María Teresa Slab presented the main services and programs offered by the public employment service State interest to university youth.

JOBMadrid 2021