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El presente sitio Web está traducido a varias lenguas españolas oficiales en sus respectivos territorios, de conformidad con lo establecido en el artículo 3 de la Constitución Española de 1978 y sus Estatutos de Autonomía.

Las lenguas son el catalán, el euskera, gallego, valenciano, inglés y francés. Se advierte que, con carácter general, puede existir un desfase entre la versión en castellano y en las otras lenguas, derivado del proceso de traducción a las mismas.

I have more than 52 years

If you have 52 years of age or over has exhausted the benefit or unemployment allowance, conozce what uk requirements are that you must meet and information necessary to claim a subsidy for most of unemployment 52 years.

Information note unemployment allowance to persons 52 years

Scenario note for beneficiaries of unemployment allowance and over 55 years


1 .- Be unemployment.

Working people discontinuous fixed can not access when their question is prior to the 2 march 2022 .

2 .- Have 52 years or more on the date on which to meet these requirements to access the subsidy for being in any of the following circumstances:

  • Having exhausted contributory benefit or unemployment benefit.
  • To be an emigrant has returned to Spain (must have worked abroad at least 12 months in the past six years, since its Last departure from spain, in countries outside theEuropean Union (EU) or to the european economic area (EEA)) and may not be entitled to contributory unemployment benefit.
  • To be released or released from jail without the right to contributory unemployment benefit, where the deprivation of liberty for than 6 months.
  • Having been declared or declared fully capable or person with a partial permanent disability as a result of a file improvement from major disability, absolute permanent disability or permanent total incapacity for the profession.
  • Be legally unemployed and may not be entitled to contributory unemployment benefit, having contributed by unemployment, at least 90 and 359 days.

If on the date on which you ’ re on any of these cases have not attained the age of 52 but since that date permanecieras registered or registered steadily as a jobseeker in public employment services, you will be able to ask the grant you adhere that age, unless you have been recipients of the protection due to cessation of activity or unemployment agrarian contingency, or you have the right to unemployment protection recognized by imposition of sanctions.

Shall be regarded as the requirement of continuous registration when each potential interruptions in the registration as a jobseeker has had less than 90 days not objector liable periods that apply in any activity by self-employed or for others.

In the case of the person employed worker will not be allowed access to the compensation when the cessation of last work has been voluntary.

3 .- Be registered or registered as a jobseeker during a month since exhaust unemployment benefit you receive (date to the end of the allowance, which will always be prior to the date of the Last her benefits), or the date of registration as a jobseeker if they are accessed for returning emigrant be discharged or released from jail or revision of the disability,and not to have rejected during that month no provision of adequate placement,nor have refused to participate, unless justified cause, in the promotion, training or retraining. Registration must be maintained throughout the period of perception of the grant.

4 .- Thethe agreement of activity, which is included in the application the subsidy.

5 .- Lack their own of any nature that monthly calculation to be above 75 per cent of the national minimum wage., excluding the proportionate share of two extraordinary pay cumplieras. if not this requirement on the date of the question you can also access the subsidy if they meet and acreditas within one year then. In any case, the implementation of this requirement must be maintained throughout the period of perception of the grant.

6 .- Demonstrate that in date the question and in the the request of the grant reúnes all requirements, except the age, to access any contributory retirement pension in the Social security system english - have contributed on retirement 15 years, two of whom have to be within the last 15 - and you have made at a minimum of unemployment 6 years over your working life. The contributions made in other countries are taken into account to receive this benefit only if they have been carried out in countries belonging to the european economic area or with the convention there totalization of periods for the protection by unemployment.

Is considered as the date of the question:

  • For those who have completed the age of 52 years then, the date on the waiting period of one month (if access to an allowance for adults over 52 years is by having exhausted contributory, for having been released or released from jail, for having returned from abroad or have been declared or declared fully capable or incapable of partial permanent) or the date of thelegal status of unemployment(if access to an allowance for adults over 52 years is with accreditation status of contributions unemployment and inadequate access to the contributory benefit).

  • For those who are not reaching the age of 52 years of age be found in any of the cases of access to a grant in compliance with this age.

  • For those who to date 13 march 2019 having already met 52 years but had not been able to access the subsidy for over 55 - either by persons under that age, either because they have attained higher but without being paid or to receive any subsidy -, the date of the fact is causing the 13 march 2019 , which entered into force the royal Decreto-ley 8 / 2019 , which gives them access to an allowance for adults over 52 years provided that they meetall the requirements outlined above, except for not having received the protection due to cessation of activity or the provision as a possible. IT must meet the requirement of continuous registration as a jobseeker in public employment services, in this case, from the date on which were found in any of the cases of access to the grant provided for in point 3 until 13 march 2019 .

Obligations, infractions and sanctions