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El presente sitio Web está traducido a varias lenguas españolas oficiales en sus respectivos territorios, de conformidad con lo establecido en el artículo 3 de la Constitución Española de 1978 y sus Estatutos de Autonomía.

Las lenguas son el catalán, el euskera, gallego, valenciano, inglés y francés. Se advierte que, con carácter general, puede existir un desfase entre la versión en castellano y en las otras lenguas, derivado del proceso de traducción a las mismas.

Agricultural subsidy for persons resident workers Andalucía and Extremadura

The agricultural subsidy is an unemployment allowance for working people of any special system for employees of the Agricultural Social security.

There are two types of unemployment allowance as protective measures:

  • Agricultural subsidies in favour of persons casual Special system for employees of the Agricultural Social security.
  • Special agricultural subsidy for casual Special system for employees of the Agricultural Social Security over 52 years.


  • Be person agrarian contingent workers employed in any locality Andalucía or Extremadura and i found this allowance to any of the 3 years prior to the date of application.
  • Have contributed for at least 35 routine in the twelve calendar months immediately prior to the situation of unemployment, except if it has been the beneficiary or beneficiaries of community Employment 1983 , in which case she regain access to agricultural subsidies with only 20 the euro-SEASS days and/or work of the contribution rate AEPSA. Seniors 35 years or children with family responsibilities can complete the 35 conferences with contributions by the AEPSA.
  • Under the Decreto-ley Real 4 / 2022 applications submitted between the 17 march 31 december 2022 they will reduce implementation 20 the number of days minimum required for access to unemployment benefit and income tax agraría, in the same terms used in the past.
  • By joint implementation of the royal decree-law 4 / 2022 and the first transitional provision Royal Decree 5 / 1997 , which regulates the grant SEASS, personastrabajadoras over thirty-five years, and under that age with family responsibilities, they can complete the minimum number of 20 actual days listed on the twelve calendar months immediately prior to becoming unemployed computando contributions made to the General Social security system on the occasion of the work provided in the affected works for employment and Social protection For Agriculture, provided that had made:
    or at least five days SEASS royal, whether they had been receiving the grant in the immediately preceding year, or
    or at least fifteen days SEASS real, if they are not receiving the subsidy in the year immediately preceding it.
  • When people wanted workers 20 or more days paid real credit to be considered 35 actual days paid for the purposes of the second transitional provision of royal decree 5 / 1997 and, therefore, in this case, the duration of the grant.
  • Being unemployed unemployed, or register as a jobseeker, maintain a registered notice while receive benefit and fulfil the the agreement of activitythat is included in the application.
  • Be registered or registered in the census of agriculture Special Social security as an individual worker employed workers, in situations of high or assimilated thereto and the payment of the flat fee.
  • At the time of application of the grant and reap while having no incomeany individual who, in annual calculation, are higher than the minimum wage (SMI) in force, excluding two extraordinary pay (For this year amounts). In addition to fulfil this requirement of not having their own, if you live with others over 16 years who are part of a family unit itself, it will be taken into account that the sum of all income of people are the family unit does not exceed the limits to the year of income:
    • For households of two members, 2 SMI times.
    • For households in three members, 2 , 75 SMI times.
    • For family units of four members, 3 , 50 SMI times.
    • For families 5 or more members, 4 SMI times.

To establish the income limit of the family unit will take into account the SMI including overtime pay. For this calculation form the family unit of coexistence, in addition to the applicant, spouse, ascendants, descendants and other relatives by consanguinity and affinity to the second degree inclusive or, where appropriate, adoption, living side by side with the applicant.

If you have children less than 16 years with whom you live, the income limit will be greater, increasing by 0 , 10 the gini SMI multiplier for every child up 0 , 30 if three or more.

Are not considered their - agricultural subsidy, resulting from the family protection son or daughter with and obtained by agricultural work as self-employed worker of a contingent nature.

Take into account the income for its Full performance or product. The appropriate performance of businesses, professional, agricultural, livestock or artistic works, is the result of the difference between income and expenditure necessary to obtain them. The property gains are the result of the difference between gains and losses.

There isa special subsidy for persons over 52 yearswhich requires, in addition to the general requirements, except for the accreditation of journeys, meet the following:

  • Have contributed to the agricultural subsidies and subsidy have perceived the unabated over the past 5 years preceding the application.
  • Have sufficient time to be able to access any contributory retirement pension. Once the first right of this allowance, you can request their resumption each 12 months, without needing to justify seminars and subject to compliance with the other requirements, until the individual worker reaches the age to be able to reach any kind of retirement.
  • At the age lower than that it allows you to have access to retirement pension, except that he had not completed the qualifying sufficient time to be eligible for such pension.
  • Have paid the flat fee for common contingencies for the special agricultural capacity of Social security, in the twelve calendar months preceding the application or, where appropriate, in the period, which remained high.

Obligations, infractions and sanctions