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El presente sitio Web está traducido a varias lenguas españolas oficiales en sus respectivos territorios, de conformidad con lo establecido en el artículo 3 de la Constitución Española de 1978 y sus Estatutos de Autonomía.

Las lenguas son el catalán, el euskera, gallego, valenciano, inglés y francés. Se advierte que, con carácter general, puede existir un desfase entre la versión en castellano y en las otras lenguas, derivado del proceso de traducción a las mismas.

Active employment policies

The Annual Plan of employment policy (PAPE) contains services (shares) and programmes (measures) active employment policies that are proposed to perform the Autonomous Communities financed by state funds, distributed according to objective criteria agreed by the conference sectoral employment and labour affairs, as with economic resources of its own, as well as the actions and measures that is going to perform, in its jurisdiction, the public employment service State.

The Royal Legislative Decree 3 / 2015 , 23 October, which approves the consolidated text of the law of employment, establishes as instruments of coordination of national employment system:

  • The activation Spanish Strategy for employment, regulated by Article 10 .
  • The Annual Plans of employment policy, covered by Article 11 .
  • The information system of public employment services, which is configured as a common information system to be organized with an integrated computer structure and compatible, and will be the technical tool that will integrate information concerning labour intermediation, management of active employment policies, and protection by unemployment, make public employment services throughout the State.
    This system will ensure that are carried out properly functions labour intermediation, without territorial barriers; recording all job seekers; the traceability of the proceedings followed by these in its relationship with public employment services; common statistics; communication the content of contracts; knowledge of the resulting information and tracking, among other areas, the management of vocational training for employment, vocational guidance, employment initiatives and bonuses to recruitment, as well as the proceedings of the placement agencies.
    Also allow the evaluation, monitoring and control of the use of funds from general state budgets or the European Union for its justification

Active employment policies in Spain, from 2013 still, a new strategy based on the lines that were agreed with the autonomous communities within the Sectoral Conference employment and labour Issues 11 April 2013 . The key to change to the new model of active employment policies is in the modification of the model of financing and management, structured around legal instruments designed for centrally established programmes to establish a new framework of financing, implementation, monitoring and evaluation geared towards the achievement of certain objectives, following guidelines and priorities for action.

The new framework has been translated into the new activation Spanish Strategy for employment 2017 - 2020 adopted by the Royal Decree 1032 / 2017 , 15 December.

The purpose of the strategy is to determine how should be the activation policy of the national employment system (SNE) in the coming years, establishing general principles, objectives and a framework for planning, implementation, evaluation and funding for active policies in the labour market.

EEAE evaluation 2014 - 2016

The activation Spanish Strategy for employment 2014 - 2016 has improved indicators of attention to job seekers and integration into the labour market, as shown in the following data:

  • The percentage of applicants registered in public employment services who found a job in the total from plaintiffs 38 , 4 % in 2013 , 48 , 29 % in 2016 .
  • The percentage of young people who received attention and joined the labour market rose from the 19 , 8 % in 2015 , 22 , 6 % in 2016 .
  • The percentage of job seekers who have received counselling and support for the project, and who have launched a self-activity in the 6 months has doubled, from 5 , 6 % ( 18 . 690 ) in 2014 , 9 , 3 % ( 21 . 895 ) in 2016 .
  • A 44 , 5 plaintiffs'% finished in 2016 with suitable a formative action, they found a job within 6 months following the completion of the action.
  • The insertion of people receiving benefits served by public employment services has multiplied by 6 in four years (insertion rate fell from 1 , 22 % in 2013 , 7 , 26 % in 2016 ). Only in 2016 , 343 . 223 people who have returned to the benefits labour market after having received a service in the six months prior to the placement.

The results of the EEAE 2014 - 2016 , coupled with the overall improvement in the evolution of the Spanish economy, have enabled since its adoption to date, has increased in 2 . 098 . 600 the number of employed ( 388 . 500 below 30 years), has been reduced 2 . 201 . 600 the number of unemployed and the unemployment rate has fallen in 9 , 55 points.

New activation Spanish Strategy for employment 2017 - 2020

With the adoption of the new EEAE responds to one of the agreements of the conference of presidents, on 17 January 2017 , who decided to its renewal for the period 2017 - 2020 consensually within the conference sectoral employment and Labour issues.

The EEAE is the result of the work process, dialogue and consensus of government with both the autonomous communities as with social partners, since it has worked not only in sectoral conferences and in General councils of the national system of employment and in a working group authorized to do so with regions, but also in the context of the social dialogue table clash Plan for employment.